
This file contains information concerning the legal guardians of users defined in the passengers.txt.

Description of columns

Field name Mandatory Max length Description
tutor_id Mandatory - Unique identifier of the tutor.
passenger_id Mandatory - Identifier of the user associated with this tutor.
tutor_firstname Mandatory 255 First name of the tutor.
tutor_lastname Mandatory 255 First name of the tutor.
tutor_gender_title Optionnel 30 Title of the tutor; It can be any text (example: Mrs, Miss, Mr...).
tutor_parent_link Optionnel - Relationship between the user and the tutor. Accepted values: 0 = not communicated, 1 = mother, 2 = father, 3 = legal guardian.
tutor_email Optionnel 255 Email of the tutor
tutor_mobile_phone Optionnel 255 Mobile phone number of the tutor, in international format.
tutor_home_phone Optionnel 255 Home phone number of the tutor, in international format.
tutor_work_phone Optionnel 255 Work phone number of the tutor, in international format.
tutor_dateofbirth Optionnel - Birthdate of the tutor in format YYYYMMDD.
tutor_address_1 Optionnel - Address of the tutor.
tutor_address_2 Optionnel - Additional address of the tutor.
tutor_address_3 Optionnel - Additional address of the tutor.
tutor_address_zipcode Optionnel - Zipcode of the tutor.
tutor_address_city Optionnel - City of the tutor.
tutor_address_country Optionnel - Country of the tutor.

Example :

T1,P1,Paul,Doe,M,2,,+33600000000,,,19600601,36 rue du pont,,,71000,Mâcon,France